Sunday, August 22, 2010

I am answering question number 7

Powerful countries have a moral obligation to poor countries. they are morally obligated to assist and establish. not my means of hand outs that only help for days weeks or months but by helping to establish a self reliant way of life. In 1903 there was a poet named George R. Sims he wrote a poem called Christmas day in the work house. In the poem he wrote of the pleasantry of Christmas and of the feast he also wrote of a man who choked on the pudding that came once a year, the starvation of the remaining days, of how people came so proud of what they had brought with their money. Money that came from the rates they charged the poor. they set up a system of hand outs that were paid for by the people who had no way to sustain them selves.

The powerful obligating to the poor people is to help establish and sustain themselves for future generations to come. The rich countries also have an obligation to the poorer ones they are obligated the follow the same rules as everyone else. To not have breaks because of who they are and what they make. they need to follow the rules and are morally obligated to help but that is the extent.


  1. I agree with what you are saying about setting up a way of life where the weaker countries can become self reliant. I think that that is really important. I also think that in the long run it would probably be more beneficial to the country providing the service as ell because they don't have to keep going back and providing the same care over and over again.

  2. Taylor-
    I liked your point about helping countries by teaching them self reliance. I think that helping them learn to help themselves is important, but I belive additionally that it is important to help a country with aid if that country is in desperate need of it. Like in the video "Living with Hunger", some countries do need aid until they get to a point of being able to be self reliant.
